I'm so excited to announce I have officially made it back to the Mothership of Athens. Right in time for football season I might add (insert evil laugh: Muh Ha Ha).
I admit I had a few concerns going into the process, is it really worth the money when I could commute? Consider 8:00 am classes and late Friday nights: Yes it is! And I really wasn't certain about living by myself, having been blessed with the best roommates in the world. I mean really, can I have a festivus by myself? However, I admit, I kind of like it. If for no other reason than if I get jam on the door handle, its OK its My door! Also, I feel quite certain that my new home on the Mothership will frequently draw others to visit me... hint hint. But what I like most about living alone--is my kitchen. Now, the kitchen is fabulous (especially for a rental) and would be great with a roommate, but by myself the kitchen becomes my own personal laboratory. So when I want to try Indian cuisine or fusion Korean-Thai, I don't have to worry that it will smell or suck- because its just me dealing with it or boyfriend but he is pretty adventurous. This is high on my list of Things to be Thankful for.
So to wrap it up, I'm planning to post pictures (once I find the camera in one of the many boxes sitting in the extra room/office that I haven't touched yet). I just wanted to share how happy I am and that the whole Grad School, move to Athens plan has officially happened!