Friday, October 24, 2008

The Good Days

Alright the boyfriend did good. I am not at all difficult to figure out. I have a handful of things I really enjoy. Therefore, provide me with them in tandem and it'll will probably work out quite well.

For instance, due to my stint studying abroad in Italy, I love no other cuisine as much as authentic style Italian. Might I highly recommend Sotto Sotto for special occasions. The food was incredible. Our waiter was precious, with what I think was a Scottish accent. I asked for a suggestion...he then described the grouper dish as "Italian Comfort Food"... I was sold.

Not to mention the "chocolate soup" which is as delicious and simple as it sounds. A bowl of melted chocolate with croƻtons and hazelnut whip cream, need I say more?

Now to what made our night truly spectacular.... Wicked. A show I tried to see both times I went to NYC and failed to do so.

Unprompted boyfriend knew taking me to see a mucisal, full-proof plan.

There is nothing better to me than political commentary guised in fantasy, particularly when you add a little song and dance (It's like Harry Potter meets musical).

The voices=incredible, the costumes=breath-taking, The acting=hysterical. So obviously I hated it.

Truly though, and I have heard it is a good bit different than the book, but I loved how they fit in all the elements of the original story. I can't help but feel for the righteous, social-outcast... taken down by politics and propoganda for standing up for what she believes in!

You go Elphaba!!

To wrap-it up... Thanks boyfriend.

1 comment:

Ashleigh Speir said...

This is what I love to hear! My good ole Katie getting to do the things she loves best with the man she loves best. Positivity, it's the new style!