Monday, June 22, 2009

The New Approach

Alright, I think I'm ready to get "back in the game" (10 Things I Hate About You fans?).

It's been a long time and I want a different approach. Sooner rather than later I will be going through a lot of changes and despite my lack of womanly curves I don't mean physically.

But I feel fairly certain that even though it will not be easy these changes will help transition my blog from negative nancyville to a more positive, fun space. As blogging, twitter, facebook magazine, etc. become less a part of my 9 to 5 I will actually able to enjoy them.

To prove I'm finding a happier place. Ash sent these to me today. Check out the pics from Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland. I wasn't a huge fan of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory but there is no questioning it is visually stunning.

More Pics to look at!

So for the three people who read my blog. Look forward to new stories from my changing life.


Anonymous said...

YES!!!!!!! I am so excited about the renewed vigor you're putting into your blog! Already, it has me smiling. :)

Emily J. Griffin said...

i was to be alice (or trip on acid, not sure which is more real).